To synchronize the internal default OpenShift Registry with the Quay Registry, the Quay Bridge is used. Now we need to create a new Organization in Quay:
To access the Quay Portal make sure you are in the quay Project
Go to Networking->Routes, access the Quay portal using the URL of the first route (quay-quay)
Login with
User: quayadmin
Password: quayadmin
In the top + menu click Create New Organization
Name it openshift_integration
Click Create Organization
We need an OAuth Application in Quay for the integration:
Again In the Quay Portal, click the Applications icon in the menubar to the left
Click Create New Application at the upper right
Name it openshift, press Enter and click on the new openshift item by clicking it
In the menubar to the left click the Generate Token icon
Check all boxes and click Generate Access token
Click image to enlarge
In the next view click Authorize Application and confirm
In the next view copy the Access Token and save it somewhere, we’ll need it again
Now create a new secret for the Quay Bridge to access Quay. In the OpenShift web console make sure you are in the quay Project. Then:
Go to Workloads->Secrets and click Create->Key/value secret
Secret name: quay-credentials
Key: token
Value: paste the Access Token you generated in the Quay Portal in the text field below the grey Value field
Click Create
And you are done with the installation and integration of Quay as your registry!
Test if the integration works:
In the Quay Portal you should see your OpenShift Projects are synced and represented as Quay Organizations, prefixed with openshift_ (you might have to reload the browser).
E.g. there should be a openshift_git Quay Organization.
In the OpenShift web console create a new test Project, make sure it’s synced to Quay as an Organization and delete it again.