Before we start to integrate Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security in our setup, you should become familiar with the basic concepts.
ACS Features
ACS delivers on these security use cases:
Vulnerability Management: Protect the software supply chain and prevent known vulnerabilities from being used as an entry point in your applications.
Configuration Management: Leverage the OpenShift platform for declarative security to prevent or limit attacks, even in the presence of exploitable vulnerabilities.
Network Segmentation: Using Kubernetes network policies in OpenShift, restrict open network paths for isolation and prevent lateral movement by attackers.
Risk Profiling: Prioritize applications and security risks automatically to focus investigation and mitigation efforts.
Threat detection and incident response: Continuous observation and response in order to take action on attack-related activities, and to use observed behavior to inform mitigation efforts to harden security.
Compliance: Making sure that industry and regulatory standards are being met in your OpenShift environments.
UI Overview
Click image to enlarge
The dashboard serves as the security overview - helping the security team understand what the sources of risk are, categories of violations, and gaps in compliance. All of the elements are clickable for more information and categories are customizable.
Top bar:
Near the top, we see a condensed overview of the status. It provides insight into the status of clusters, nodes, violations and so on. The top bar provides links to Search, Command-line tools, Cluster Health, Documentation, API Reference, and the logged-in user account.
Left menus:
The left hands side menus provide navigation into each of the security use-cases, as well as product configuration to integrate with your existing tooling.
Global Search:
On every page throughout the UI, the global search allows you to search for any data that ACS tracks.
Exploring the Security Use Cases
Now start to explore the Security Use Cases ACS targets as provided in the left side menu.
Network Graph:
The Network Graph is a flow diagram, firewall diagram, and firewall rule builder in one.
The default view Active shows the actual traffic for the past hour between the deployments in all namespaces.
Violations record all times where a policy criteria was triggered by any of the objects in your cluster - images, components, deployments, runtime activity.
The compliance reports gather information for configuration, industry standards, and best practices for container-based workloads running in OpenShift.
Vulnerability Management:
Vulnerability Management provides several important reports - where the vulnerabilities are, which are the most widespread or the most recent, where my images are coming from.
In the upper right are buttons to link to all policies, CVEs, and images, and a menu to bring you to reports by cluster, namespace, deployment, and so on.
Configuration Management:
Configuration management provides visibility into a number of infrastructure components: clusters and nodes, namespaces and deployments, and Kubernetes systems like RBAC and secrets.
The Risk view goes beyond the basics of vulnerabilities. It helps to understand how deployment configuration and runtime activity impact the likelihood of an exploit to occurr and how successful those exploits might be.
This list view shows all deployments, in all clusters and namespaces, ordered by Risk priority.
Most UI pages have a filter section at the top that allows you to narrow the view to matching or non-matching criteria. Almost all of the attributes that ACS gathers can be filtered, try it out:
Go to the Risk view
Click in the Filters Bar
Start typing Process Name and select the Process Name key
Type java and press enter: click away to get the filters dropdown to clear
You should see your deployment that has been “seen” running Java since it started
Try another one: limit the filter to your Project namespace only
Note the Create Policy button. It can be used to create a policy from the search filter to automatically identify this criteria.
System Policies
As the foundation of ACS are the system policies, have a good look around:
Navigate to the Policiy Management section from Platform Configuration in the left side menu.
You will get an overview of the built-in policies
All of the policies that ship with the product are designed with the goal to provide targeted remediation strategies that improve security hardening.
You’ll see this list contains many Build and Deploy time policies to catch misconfigurations early in the pipeline, but also Runtime policies.
These policies come from us at Red Hat - our expertise, our interpretation of industry best practice, and our interpretation of common compliance standards, but you can modify them or create your own.
By default only some policies are enforced. If you want to get an overview which ones, you can use the filter view introduced above. Use Enforcement as filter key and FAIL_BUILD_ENFORCEMENT as value.