The DevSecOps Workshop


This is the storyline you are going to follow:

  • Create an application using the browser based development environment Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces
  • Setting up the Inner Development Loop for the individual developer
    • Use the cli tool odo to create, push, change apps on the fly
  • Setting up the Outer Development Loop for the CI/CD team
    • Learn to work with OpenShift Pipelines based on Tekton
    • Use OpenShift GitOps based on ArgoCD
  • Secure your app and OpenShift cluster with ACS
    • Introduction to ACS
    • Example use cases
    • Add ACS scanning to a Tekton Pipeline

What to Expect

This workshop is for intermediate OpenShift users. A good understanding of how OpenShift works along with hands-on experience is expected. For example we will not tell you how to log in with oc to your cluster or tell you what it is… ;)

We try to balance guided workshop steps and challenge you to use your knowledge to learn new skills. This means you’ll get detailed step-by-step instructions for every new chapter/task, later on the guide will become less verbose and we’ll weave in some challenges.

Workshop Environment

As Part of a Red Hat Workshop

For Attendees

As part of the workshop you will be provided with freshly installed OpenShift 4.14 clusters. Depending on attendee numbers we might ask you to gather in teams. Some workshop tasks must be done only once for the cluster (e.g. installing Operators), others like deploying and securing the application can be done by every team member separately in their own Project. This will be mentioned in the guide.

You’ll get all access details for your lab cluster from the facilitators. This includes the URL to the OpenShift console and information about how to SSH into your bastion host to run oc if asked to.

For Facilitators

The easiest way to provide this environment is through the Red Hat Demo System. Provision catalog item AWS with OpenShift Open Environment for the the attendees. Make sure to provision 3 controlplane nodes (similar to m6a.2xlarge) and 3 worker nodes (similar to m6a.4xlarge).

Self Hosted

While the workshop is designed to be run on Red Hat Demo System (RHDS) and the environment AWS with OpenShift Open Environment, you should be able to run the workshop on a 4.14 cluster of your own.

Just make sure :

  • You have cluster admin privileges
  • Sizing
    • 3 Controlplane Nodes (Similar to AWS m5.2x.large)
    • 3 Worker (Similar to AWS m5.4x.large)
  • Authentication htpasswd enabled
  • For the ACM chapter you will need AWS credentials to automatically deploy a SingleNode OpenShift
  • Some names in the workshop may need to be customized for your environment (e.g. storage naming)

This workshop was tested with these versions :

  • Red Hat OpenShift : 4.14.18
  • Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security for Kubernetes: 4.4.0
  • Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces : 3.12.0
  • Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines: 1.14.3
  • Red Hat OpenShift GitOps: 1.12.0
  • Red Hat Quay: 3.8.15
  • Red Hat Quay Bridge Operator: 3.7.11
  • Red Hat Data Foundation : 4.14.06
  • Gitea Operator: 1.3.0
  • Web Terminal: 1.9.0

Workshop Flow

We’ll tackle the topics at hand step by step with an introduction covering the things worked on before each section.

And finally a sprinkle of JavaScript magic

You’ll notice placeholders for cluster access details, mainly the part of the domain that is specific to your cluster. There are two options:

  • Whenever you see the placeholder <DOMAIN> replace it with the value for your environment
    • This is the part to the right of apps. e.g. for replace with
  • Use a query parameter in the URL of this lab guide to have all occurences replaced automagically, e.g.:

URL Generator for Custom Lab Guide

Enter your OpenShift url after the apps part (e.g. ) and click the button to generate a link that will customize your lab guide.

Click the generated link once to apply it the the current guide.

Current Domain replacement

Check to see if replacement is active -> <DOMAIN>